(only for user, server and theme)
This was done, because localstore is somewhat inconsistent
in terms of events on different platforms.
Also storing user, server and theme using shared-preferences
should fit into flutters ecosystem a little better
Translations are provided in *.arb* format.
Some keys have descriptions
(indicated by leading @-symbol).
Descriptions should not be copied into the translation itself.
Currently only English is supported (app_en.arb),
but German is planned.
Apparently weblate merged .arb support at some time,
so it would be nice to enable community translations at some point.
Reasons for migration:
- buggy behaviour from old router
- GoRouter is a recommended flutter plugin
- ShellRoutes allow exposing Providers
to a limited scope of routes
- GoRoutes provides named routes,
and the navigator allows us to provide parameters directly.
Every page (after login) has access
to the User object via context.read/watch<User>().
This reduces localstore and asnyc operations,
as the screens do not have to load the user every time.
Additionally this prevents anyone from
using the without a user object.
- changePassword to change the password
NOTE: this requires the old password,
just to prevent account hijacking.
- some basic user limit information
- theme selector
NOTE: the system theme is meant to function like auto-theme,
and is directly translated into a flutter ThemeMode,
however, this does not appear to be working on the web.
This commit also adds the logout and delete account buttons,
but they do not yet delete all rooms,
nor do they properly logout the user.
BUG: User is not logged out correctly,
reloading the page fixes this.
Maybe localstore.listen does not detect deletion?