- Fixed bug where opening room would show null-error,
for a couple of seconds.
This was caused by the FAB not checking if widget.info!=null
- Added try&catch for item category,
to prevent index-out-of-bounds when the item uses a category
that no longer exists
- Renamed add/remove Articles to fit the new name: ShoppingListItem
- Fixed bug where switching room pages
would result an unknown error,
due to setState being called on a widget that isn't mounted.
This was solved by surrounding the setState function,
with a condition to check if the widget is mounted
- Fixed bug where room members weren't recognized as admins
This was caused by a typedifference between the server and the app
(The server now returns booleans,
where as before a ==1 comparison was
- Fixed bug where successfully closing the admin/kick member dialog,
would crash the application.
This was caused by popping the same context twice.
We are now using two navigator (the outer and the inner one)
NOTE: The click action is removed, if the user doesn't
have the required permission and the drag-handle is not shown.
BUG: Editing the list (in any way, other than reordering it),
wont reload the list - hopefully this will be addressed later,
by caching the categories (or removing them from the cache)
and auto-rebuilding on cache-change
Planned Flow (unimplemented):
- create new category on /edit-category page using bottom-right fab
- sort categories using the two-line hamburger-style menu on each item
- click on a category to modify/delete it
NOTE: maybe on a different screen or MBS?