This was caused by doNetworkRequest
introduced in Commit 5d333522a5 (Simplified network requests & snackbars, 2023-03-23),
as it ran asynchronously and thus the blacklist wasn't filled in time.
Translations are provided in *.arb* format.
Some keys have descriptions
(indicated by leading @-symbol).
Descriptions should not be copied into the translation itself.
Currently only English is supported (app_en.arb),
but German is planned.
Apparently weblate merged .arb support at some time,
so it would be nice to enable community translations at some point.
Reasons for migration:
- buggy behaviour from old router
- GoRouter is a recommended flutter plugin
- ShellRoutes allow exposing Providers
to a limited scope of routes
- GoRoutes provides named routes,
and the navigator allows us to provide parameters directly.
Every page (after login) has access
to the User object via<User>().
This reduces localstore and asnyc operations,
as the screens do not have to load the user every time.
Additionally this prevents anyone from
using the without a user object.
and rewrote the component's network requests.
showSimpleSnackbar, allows displaying a simple snackbar,
with text and one action button, that can be clicked.
doNetworkRequest is supposed to be a wrapper for the
already existing post* functions.
It aims to make network requests and error handling easier,
by containing all the try&catch blocks
and being able to show snackbars.
This has been done in an effort
to move all endpoints used to join a room
under one umbrella (/add-room)
A list of planned or completed endpoints:
- /add-room
- /add-room/new
- /add-room/by-id
NOTE: If the user is already in a public room,
the room will not be shown in the list.
NOTE: The search funtionality
has not been implemented yet.
NOTE: The join invite-only room screen
will be part of a later commit.
But the endpoint has already been set to
Work already done:
- moving the New Room screen to a different endpoint
- fetching public rooms using the post API
- displaying public rooms
Suggestion for user interaction:
1. click on room
2. open bottomSheet with information and join button
3. click "join" to join room