Reasons for migration:
- buggy behaviour from old router
- GoRouter is a recommended flutter plugin
- ShellRoutes allow exposing Providers
to a limited scope of routes
- GoRoutes provides named routes,
and the navigator allows us to provide parameters directly.
Every page (after login) has access
to the User object via<User>().
This reduces localstore and asnyc operations,
as the screens do not have to load the user every time.
Additionally this prevents anyone from
using the without a user object.
Added SingleChildScrollView to new-room, edit-room
and the about-room tab.
NOTE: Added a padding to the new and edit room pages,
to prevent widgets from touching the screen bottom
FIXES: Bug where signup, signin,
edit room and new room screen would fail to open,
because the Flexible Widget cannot be nested in a
Centered Widget.
NOTE: Turns out the widget was not neccessary at all
Data-fetch routine:
fetch room information from server
-> if unsuccessfull load room from disk
The room will automatically be closed,
if either of the following conditions apply:
- the user is offline and no data was found on disk
- the network request returned a server error