import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:go_router/go_router.dart'; import 'package:outbag_app/tools/assets.dart'; import 'package:flutter_svg/flutter_svg.dart'; import 'dart:math'; class WelcomePage extends StatefulWidget { const WelcomePage({super.key}); @override State createState() => _WelcomePageState(); } class _WelcomePageState extends State { final PageController controller = PageController(); int _currentPage = 0; @override void initState() { super.initState(); _currentPage = controller.initialPage; controller.addListener(() { setState(() { _currentPage = ?? controller.initialPage; }); }); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { final textTheme = Theme.of(context) .textTheme .apply(displayColor: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.onSurface); String fabText = "Next"; if (_currentPage == 0) { fabText = "Let's go"; } else if (_currentPage == 4 - 1) { fabText = "Sign up"; } String fabTooltip = "Continue Tour"; if (_currentPage == 0) { fabTooltip = "Take Tour"; } else if (_currentPage == 4 - 1) { fabTooltip = "Create an account"; } double width = MediaQuery.of(context).size.width; double height = MediaQuery.of(context).size.height; double smallest = min(width, height); return Scaffold( body: Column( children: [ Expanded( child: PageView( controller: controller, children: [ Column( mainAxisAlignment:, crossAxisAlignment:, children: [ SvgPicture.asset(asset("undraw/undraw_shopping_app.svg"), fit: BoxFit.contain, width: smallest * 0.5, height: smallest * 0.5), Text( 'Welcome to Outbag', style: textTheme.displaySmall, ), Text('Shopping lists made easy', style: textTheme.bodyMedium) ], ), Column( mainAxisAlignment:, crossAxisAlignment:, children: [ SvgPicture.asset(asset("undraw/undraw_mobile_login.svg"), fit: BoxFit.contain, width: smallest * 0.5, height: smallest * 0.5), Text( 'Open. Decentralized', style: textTheme.displaySmall, ), Text('One account, multiple servers', style: textTheme.bodyMedium) ], ), Column( mainAxisAlignment:, crossAxisAlignment:, children: [ SvgPicture.asset(asset("undraw/undraw_online_connection.svg"), fit: BoxFit.contain, width: smallest * 0.5, height: smallest * 0.5), Text( 'Made to share', style: textTheme.displaySmall, ), Text('Collaborate on your shopping list in real time', style: textTheme.bodyMedium) ], ), Column( mainAxisAlignment:, crossAxisAlignment:, children: [ SvgPicture.asset(asset("undraw/undraw_online_groceries.svg"), fit: BoxFit.contain, width: smallest * 0.5, height: smallest * 0.5), Text( 'Pocket-sized', style: textTheme.displaySmall, ), Text('Always have your shopping list with you', style: textTheme.bodyMedium) ], ), ], )), TextButton( onPressed: () { context.goNamed('signin'); }, child: const Text('I already have an account'), ) ], ), floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton.extended( icon: const Icon(Icons.chevron_right), label: Text(fabText), tooltip: fabTooltip, onPressed: () { if ( == 4 - 1) { // open signup screen context.goNamed('signup'); } else { // move to next page controller.nextPage( curve: Curves.easeInOut, duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 300)); } }, ), ); } }