{ "helloWorld": "Hello World!", "@helloWorld": { "description": "The conventional newborn programmer greeting" }, "welcomeTitle": "Welcome to Outbag", "@welcomeTitle": { "description": "Title shown on welcome screen" }, "welcomeSubtitle": "Shopping lists made easy", "@welcomeSubtitle": { "description": "Subtitle shown on welcome screen" }, "userHasAnAccount": "I already have an account", "@userHasAnAccount": { "description": "Button displayed on welcome screen (bottom-center) used to launch sign in screen" }, "letsGo": "Let's go", "@letsGo": { "description": "Text for button on welcome screen used to move the page viewer the first time" }, "page2Title": "Open. Decentralized", "page2Subtitle": "One account, multiple servers", "next": "Next", "page3Title": "Made to share", "page3Subtitle": "Collaborate on your shopping lists in real time", "continueTour": "Continue Tour", "takeTour": "Take Tour", "page4Title": "Pocket-size", "page4Subtitle": "Always have your shopping lists with you", "signUp": "Sign Up", "signIn": "Sign In", "logIntoAccount": "Log into account", "createNewAccount": "Create new account", "inputServerLabel": "Server", "inputServerHint": "Your homeserver URL", "inputServerHelp": "Your data will be stored on your homeserver", "inputUsernameLabel": "Username", "inputUsernameHint": "Your username", "inputUsernameHelp": "Your username and server-tag allow others to identify you", "inputPasswordLabel": "Password", "inputPasswordHint": "Your password", "inputPasswordHelp": "Password has to be at least six characters long", "inputPasswordRepeatLabel": "Repeat Password", "inputPasswordRepeatHint": "Type your password again", "inputPasswordRepeatHelp": "Make sure to type the correct password", "inputOTALabel": "OTA", "inputOTAHint": "One-Time-Authorization token", "inputOTAHelp": "This token might be required if the server is rate limited", "errorPasswordLength": "Password has to be at least six characters long", "errorPasswordsDoNotMatch": "Passwords do not match", "errorInvalidServer": "Unable to find outbag server on {server}", "@errorInvalidServer": { "description": "Error shown when there is no outbag server on the given url", "placeholders": { "server": { "type": "String", "example": "outbag.example.com" } } }, "search": "Search", "settings": "Settings", "about": "About", "serverDashboard": "Server Dashboard", "addRoom": "Add Room", "addRoomHint": "Add a new room", "noNewRoomsFound": "No new rooms found", "joinRoom": "Join Room", "refresh": "Refresh", "joinRoomInvite": "Join invite-only room", "newRoom": "New Room", "newRoomShort": "New", "createRoom": "Create Room", "createRoomShort": "Create", "changeRoomIcon": "Change room icon", "chooseRoomIcon": "Choose a room icon", "inputRoomIdLabel": "Room ID", "inputRoomIdHint": "Unique room id", "inputRoomIdHelp": "The room id and server tag allow the room to be identified", "inputRoomNameLabel": "Room Name", "inputRoomNameHint": "Give your room a name", "inputRoomNameHelp": "Choose a human-readable name to easily identify a room", "inputRoomDescriptionLabel": "Room Description", "inputRoomDescriptionHint": "Briefly describe your room", "inputRoomDescriptionHelp": "Make it easier for others to know what this room is used for", "roomVisibilityTitle": "Visibility", "roomVisibilitySubtitle": "Specify who has access to your room", "roomVisibilityPrivate": "Private", "roomVisibilityLocal": "Local", "roomVisibilityGlobal": "Global", "errorNoRoomId": "Please specify a room ID", "errorRoomIdLength": "Room ID has to be at least three characters long", "errorNoRoomName": "Please specify a room name", "errorNetwork": "Network error", "errorUnknown": "Unknown error", "errorServer":"Server error", "themeLight": "Light", "themeDark": "Dark", "themeSystem": "System", "roomListTitle": "List", "roomListSubtitle": "View shopping list", "roomProductsTitle": "Products", "roomProductsSubtitle": "View saved items", "roomCategoriesTitle": "Categories", "roomCategoriesSubtitle": "View categories", "roomAboutTitle": "About", "roomAboutSubtitle": "View room info", "changeRoomVisibilityTitle": "Change Room Visibility", "changeRoomVisibilitySubtitle": "Do you really want to change the room visibility to: {visibility}", "@changeRoomVisibilitySubtitle": { "placeholders": { "visibility": { "type": "String", "example": "Local" } } }, "editRoomMetadata": "Edit Metadata", "editRoomMetadataShort": "Edit Room", "editRoomMetadataSubtitle": "Edit the room name, description and icon", "showRoomMembers": "Members", "showRoomMembersSubtitle": "Show Member list", "editRoomPermissions": "Edit Permissions", "editRoomPermissionsSubtitle": "Change the default permission-set for all members", "manageRoomOTA": "OTA", "manageRoomOTASubtitle": "Add and delete OTAs", "manageRoomInvites": "Invites", "manageRoomInvitesSubtitle": "Invite people to this room", "leaveRoom": "Leave Room", "leaveRoomShort": "Leave", "leaveRoomConfirm": "Do you really want to leave this room?", "deleteRoom": "Delete Room", "deleteRoomShort": "Delete", "deleteRoomConfirm": "Do you really want to delete this room?", "updateRoomPermissions": "Edit", "updateRoomPermissionsHint": "Update default permission set", "roomDefaultPermissions": "Default Permissions", "roomPermissionAddArticles": "Add Articles", "roomPermissionAddArticlesSubtitle": "Allows users to add items to the shopping list", "roomPermissionRemoveArticles": "Remove Articles", "roomPermissionRemoveArticlesSubtitle": "Allows users to remove items from the shopping list", "roomPermissionList": "List Products and Categories", "roomPermissionListSubtitle": "Allows the user to view products and categories", "roomPermissionChangeMeta": "Change Room Metadata", "roomPermissionChangeMetaSubtitle": "Allows the user to edit the room name, description and icon", "roomPermissionManageOTA": "Manage OTAs", "roomPermissionManageOTASubtitle": "Alloww the user to create, share and delete authentification tokens", "roomPermissionManageAdmins": "Manage Admins", "roomPermissionManageAdminsSubtitle": "Allows the user to change the admin status of other members", "roomPermissionManageMembers": "Manage Members", "roomPermissionManageMembersSubtitle": "Allows the user to invite and kick room members", "roomPermissionUnknown": "Unknown Permission", "roomPermissionUnknownSubtitle": "No information available", "roomMembersTitle": "Room Members ({count})", "@roomMembersTitle": { "placeholders": { "count": { "type": "int", "example": "0" } } }, "roleOwner": "Owner", "roleAdmin": "Admin", "roleMember": "Member", "makeAdminTitle": "Make Admin", "makeAdminSubtitle": "Grants the user the permission to do everything", "makeAdminConfirm": "Do you really want to make {user} admin?", "@makeAdminConfirm": { "placeholders": { "user": { "type": "String", "example": "ash@example.com" } } }, "removeAdminTitle": "Remove admin privileges", "removeAdminSubtitle": "Revokes admin privileges from the user", "removeAdminConfirm": "Do you really want to remove {user}'s admin privileges", "@removeAdminConfirm": { "placeholders": { "user": { "type": "String", "example": "ash@example.com" } } }, "kickUserTitle": "Kich User", "kickUserSubtitle": "Temporarily remove user from server (they'll be able to join the room again)", "kichUserConfirm": "Do you really want to kick {user}?", "@kickUserConfirm": { "placeholders": { "user": { "type": "String", "example": "ash@example.com" } } }, "limitRoomCount": "Room count limit", "limitRoomCountSubtitle": "How many rooms you are allowed to own", "limitRoomSize": "Room size limit", "limitRoomSizeSubtitle": "How many items/products/categories each room may contain", "limitRoomMemberCount": "Room member limit", "limitRoomMemberCountSubtitle": "How many members each of your rooms may have", "userDiscoverable": "Discoverable", "userDiscoverableSubtitle": "Determines if your account can be discovered by users from other servers", "changeThemeTitle": "Change Theme", "changeThemeSubtitle": "Choose your preferred color-scheme", "changePasswordTitle": "Change Password", "changePasswordSubtitle": "Choose a new password for your account", "exportAccountTitle": "Export Account", "exportAccountSubtitle": "Export account data", "deleteAccountTitle": "Delete Account", "deleteAccountSubtitle": "Delete your account from your homeserver", "deleteAccountConfirm": "Do you really want to delete your account?", "logOut": "Log out", "logOutConfirm": "Do you really want to log out?", "inputOldPasswordLabel": "Old Password", "inputOldPasswordHint": "Your current password", "inputOldPasswordHelp": "Type your current password here", "inputNewPasswordLabel": "New Password", "inputNewPasswordHint": "Your new password", "inputNewPasswordHelp": "Password has to be at least six characters long", "inputNewPasswordRepeatLabel": "Repeat new Password", "inputNewPasswordRepeatHint": "Type your new password again", "inputNewPasswordRepeatHelp": "Make sure this matches your new password", "errorPasswordsDontMatch": "New passwords do not match", "errorOldPasswordWrong": "Your old password is wrong", "newCategoryShort": "New", "newCategoryLong": "Create a new category", "yes": "Yes", "loading": "Loading", "dismiss": "Dismiss", "cancel": "Cancel", "ok": "OK", "close": "Close", "update": "Update", "errorServerClosed": "Server is offline", "errorBruteforce": "Too many requests", "errorNotFound": "Ressource not found", "errorInvalidState": "Missing data", "errorInvalidData": "Invalid data", "errorServerPermissions": "You are not allowed to perform this action", "errorRemoteRecursion": "Unable to forward request to remote", "errorRemote": "Unable to process remote request", "errorAccountDeletion": "Your account no longer exists", "errorNoSuchAccount": "Account does not exist", "errorUsernameTaken": "Already with that username already exists", "errorNoSuchRoom": "Room does not exist", "errorRoomIdTaken": "Room with that ID already exists", "errorNoSuchRoomMember": "There is no Member with that ID", "errorAlreadyInRoom": "The user is already a member of this room", "errorReachedRoomLimit": "You are not allowed to create more rooms", "errorReachedRoomUserLimit": "Cannot join room. User limit exceeded", "errorReachedRoomDataLimit": "Reached room storage limit", "errorNotRoomMember": "You are not a member of this room", "errorRoomOwner": "The room owner (you) is not allowed to perform this action", "errorRoomPermissions": "You are not allowed to perform this action", "errorNoSuchCategory": "Category does not exist", "errorNoSuchProduct": "Product does not exist", "errorNoSuchItem": "Item does not exist", "errorCreatingCategory": "Unable to create Category", "errorCreatingProduct": "Unable to create Product", "errorCreatingItem": "Unable to create Item", "errorServerConfig": "Cannot join server. User limit exceeded", "errorOTA": "Invalid OTA", "errorAuth": "Username or password wrong", "errorInvalidSignature": "Unable to verify signature", "errorInvalidToken": "Invalid Token", "errorServerDoesntExist": "Server does not exist", "errorInvalidServerToken": "Server token invalid" }