Translations are provided in *.arb* format. Some keys have descriptions (indicated by leading @-symbol). Descriptions should not be copied into the translation itself. Currently only English is supported (app_en.arb), but German is planned. Apparently weblate merged .arb support at some time, so it would be nice to enable community translations at some point.
287 lines
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287 lines
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"helloWorld": "Hello World!",
"@helloWorld": {
"description": "The conventional newborn programmer greeting"
"welcomeTitle": "Welcome to Outbag",
"@welcomeTitle": {
"description": "Title shown on welcome screen"
"welcomeSubtitle": "Shopping lists made easy",
"@welcomeSubtitle": {
"description": "Subtitle shown on welcome screen"
"userHasAnAccount": "I already have an account",
"@userHasAnAccount": {
"description": "Button displayed on welcome screen (bottom-center) used to launch sign in screen"
"letsGo": "Let's go",
"@letsGo": {
"description": "Text for button on welcome screen used to move the page viewer the first time"
"page2Title": "Open. Decentralized",
"page2Subtitle": "One account, multiple servers",
"next": "Next",
"page3Title": "Made to share",
"page3Subtitle": "Collaborate on your shopping lists in real time",
"continueTour": "Continue Tour",
"takeTour": "Take Tour",
"page4Title": "Pocket-size",
"page4Subtitle": "Always have your shopping lists with you",
"signUp": "Sign Up",
"signIn": "Sign In",
"logIntoAccount": "Log into account",
"createNewAccount": "Create new account",
"inputServerLabel": "Server",
"inputServerHint": "Your homeserver URL",
"inputServerHelp": "Your data will be stored on your homeserver",
"inputUsernameLabel": "Username",
"inputUsernameHint": "Your username",
"inputUsernameHelp": "Your username and server-tag allow others to identify you",
"inputPasswordLabel": "Password",
"inputPasswordHint": "Your password",
"inputPasswordHelp": "Password has to be at least six characters long",
"inputPasswordRepeatLabel": "Repeat Password",
"inputPasswordRepeatHint": "Type your password again",
"inputPasswordRepeatHelp": "Make sure to type the correct password",
"inputOTALabel": "OTA",
"inputOTAHint": "One-Time-Authorization token",
"inputOTAHelp": "This token might be required if the server is rate limited",
"errorPasswordLength": "Password has to be at least six characters long",
"errorPasswordsDoNotMatch": "Passwords do not match",
"errorInvalidServer": "Unable to find outbag server on {server}",
"@errorInvalidServer": {
"description": "Error shown when there is no outbag server on the given url",
"placeholders": {
"server": {
"type": "String",
"example": "outbag.example.com"
"search": "Search",
"settings": "Settings",
"about": "About",
"serverDashboard": "Server Dashboard",
"addRoom": "Add Room",
"addRoomHint": "Add a new room",
"noNewRoomsFound": "No new rooms found",
"joinRoom": "Join Room",
"refresh": "Refresh",
"joinRoomInvite": "Join invite-only room",
"newRoom": "New Room",
"newRoomShort": "New",
"createRoom": "Create Room",
"createRoomShort": "Create",
"changeRoomIcon": "Change room icon",
"chooseRoomIcon": "Choose a room icon",
"inputRoomIdLabel": "Room ID",
"inputRoomIdHint": "Unique room id",
"inputRoomIdHelp": "The room id and server tag allow the room to be identified",
"inputRoomNameLabel": "Room Name",
"inputRoomNameHint": "Give your room a name",
"inputRoomNameHelp": "Choose a human-readable name to easily identify a room",
"inputRoomDescriptionLabel": "Room Description",
"inputRoomDescriptionHint": "Briefly describe your room",
"inputRoomDescriptionHelp": "Make it easier for others to know what this room is used for",
"roomVisibilityTitle": "Visibility",
"roomVisibilitySubtitle": "Specify who has access to your room",
"roomVisibilityPrivate": "Private",
"roomVisibilityLocal": "Local",
"roomVisibilityGlobal": "Global",
"errorNoRoomId": "Please specify a room ID",
"errorRoomIdLength": "Room ID has to be at least three characters long",
"errorNoRoomName": "Please specify a room name",
"errorNetwork": "Network error",
"errorUnknown": "Unknown error",
"errorServer":"Server error",
"errorNotFound":"Not found",
"errorDataIncomplete":"Missing data",
"errorDataInvalid":"Invalid data",
"errorPermissions":"You are not allowed to perform this action",
"errorUnreachable":"Server cannot be reached",
"errorAuth":"Username or password wrong",
"errorInvalidOTA":"Invalid OTA",
"errorUsernameUnavailable":"A user with that name already exists",
"errorServerLimit":"Server reached user limit",
"themeLight": "Light",
"themeDark": "Dark",
"themeSystem": "System",
"roomListTitle": "List",
"roomListSubtitle": "View shopping list",
"roomProductsTitle": "Products",
"roomProductsSubtitle": "View saved items",
"roomCategoriesTitle": "Categories",
"roomCategoriesSubtitle": "View categories",
"roomAboutTitle": "About",
"roomAboutSubtitle": "View room info",
"changeRoomVisibilityTitle": "Change Room Visibility",
"changeRoomVisibilitySubtitle": "Do you really want to change the room visibility to: {visibility}",
"@changeRoomVisibilitySubtitle": {
"placeholders": {
"visibility": {
"type": "String",
"example": "Local"
"editRoomMetadata": "Edit Metadata",
"editRoomMetadataShort": "Edit Room",
"editRoomMetadataSubtitle": "Edit the room name, description and icon",
"showRoomMembers": "Members",
"showRoomMembersSubtitle": "Show Member list",
"editRoomPermissions": "Edit Permissions",
"editRoomPermissionsSubtitle": "Change the default permission-set for all members",
"manageRoomOTA": "OTA",
"manageRoomOTASubtitle": "Add and delete OTAs",
"manageRoomInvites": "Invites",
"manageRoomInvitesSubtitle": "Invite people to this room",
"leaveRoom": "Leave Room",
"leaveRoomShort": "Leave",
"leaveRoomConfirm": "Do you really want to leave this room?",
"deleteRoom": "Delete Room",
"deleteRoomShort": "Delete",
"deleteRoomConfirm": "Do you really want to delete this room?",
"updateRoomPermissions": "Edit",
"updateRoomPermissionsHint": "Update default permission set",
"roomDefaultPermissions": "Default Permissions",
"roomPermissionAddArticles": "Add Articles",
"roomPermissionAddArticlesSubtitle": "Allows users to add items to the shopping list",
"roomPermissionRemoveArticles": "Remove Articles",
"roomPermissionRemoveArticlesSubtitle": "Allows users to remove items from the shopping list",
"roomPermissionList": "List Groups and Items",
"roomPermissionListSubtitle": "Allows the user to view groups and products",
"roomPermissionChangeMeta": "Change Room Metadata",
"roomPermissionChangeMetaSubtitle": "Allows the user to edit the room name, description and icon",
"roomPermissionManageOTA": "Manage OTAs",
"roomPermissionManageOTASubtitle": "Alloww the user to create, share and delete authentification tokens",
"roomPermissionManageAdmins": "Manage Admins",
"roomPermissionManageAdminsSubtitle": "Allows the user to change the admin status of other members",
"roomPermissionManageMembers": "Manage Members",
"roomPermissionManageMembersSubtitle": "Allows the user to invite and kick room members",
"roomPermissionUnknown": "Unknown Permission",
"roomPermissionUnknownSubtitle": "No information available",
"roomMembersTitle": "Room Members ({count})",
"@roomMembersTitle": {
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"type": "int",
"example": "0"
"roleOwner": "Owner",
"roleAdmin": "Admin",
"roleMember": "Member",
"makeAdminTitle": "Make Admin",
"makeAdminSubtitle": "Grants the user the permission to do everything",
"makeAdminConfirm": "Do you really want to make {user} admin?",
"@makeAdminConfirm": {
"placeholders": {
"user": {
"type": "String",
"example": "ash@example.com"
"removeAdminTitle": "Remove admin privileges",
"removeAdminSubtitle": "Revokes admin privileges from the user",
"removeAdminConfirm": "Do you really want to remove {user}'s admin privileges",
"@removeAdminConfirm": {
"placeholders": {
"user": {
"type": "String",
"example": "ash@example.com"
"kickUserTitle": "Kich User",
"kickUserSubtitle": "Temporarily remove user from server (they'll be able to join the room again)",
"kichUserConfirm": "Do you really want to kick {user}?",
"@kickUserConfirm": {
"placeholders": {
"user": {
"type": "String",
"example": "ash@example.com"
"limitRoomCount": "Room count limit",
"limitRoomCountSubtitle": "How many rooms you are allowed to own",
"limitRoomSize": "Room size limit",
"limitRoomSizeSubtitle": "How many items/products/categories each room may contain",
"limitRoomMemberCount": "Room member limit",
"limitRoomMemberCountSubtitle": "How many members each of your rooms may have",
"userDiscoverable": "Discoverable",
"userDiscoverableSubtitle": "Determines if your account can be discovered by users from other servers",
"changeThemeTitle": "Change Theme",
"changeThemeSubtitle": "Choose your preferred color-scheme",
"changePasswordTitle": "Change Password",
"changePasswordSubtitle": "Choose a new password for your account",
"exportAccountTitle": "Export Account",
"exportAccountSubtitle": "Export account data",
"deleteAccountTitle": "Delete Account",
"deleteAccountSubtitle": "Delete your account from your homeserver",
"deleteAccountConfirm": "Do you really want to delete your account?",
"logOut": "Log out",
"logOutConfirm": "Do you really want to log out?",
"inputOldPasswordLabel": "Old Password",
"inputOldPasswordHint": "Your current password",
"inputOldPasswordHelp": "Type your current password here",
"inputNewPasswordLabel": "New Password",
"inputNewPasswordHint": "Your new password",
"inputNewPasswordHelp": "Password has to be at least six characters long",
"inputNewPasswordRepeatLabel": "Repeat new Password",
"inputNewPasswordRepeatHint": "Type your new password again",
"inputNewPasswordRepeatHelp": "Make sure this matches your new password",
"errorPasswordsDontMatch": "New passwords do not match",
"errorOldPasswordWrong": "Your old password is wrong",
"yes": "Yes",
"loading": "Loading",
"dismiss": "Dismiss",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"ok": "OK",
"close": "Close",
"update": "Update"