import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'package:flutter_stockfish_plugin/stockfish_bindings.dart'; import 'package:flutter_stockfish_plugin/stockfish_native_bindings.dart' if (dart.library.html) 'package:flutter_stockfish_plugin/stockfish_web_bindings.dart'; import 'package:flutter_stockfish_plugin/stockfish_state.dart'; final StockfishChessEngineAbstractBindings _bindings = StockfishChessEngineBindings(); class Stockfish { final _state = StockfishStateClass(); Stockfish._() { _state.setValue(StockfishState.starting); _bindings.stockfishMain(() { _state.setValue(StockfishState.ready); }).then((exitCode) { _state.setValue( exitCode == 0 ? StockfishState.disposed : StockfishState.error); _instance = null; }, onError: (error) { _state.setValue(StockfishState.error); _instance = null; }); } static Stockfish? _instance; /// Creates a C++ engine. /// /// This may throws a [StateError] if an active instance is being used. /// Owner must [dispose] it before a new instance can be created. factory Stockfish() { if (_instance != null) { throw StateError('Multiple instances are not supported, yet.'); } _instance = Stockfish._(); return _instance!; } /// The current state of the underlying C++ engine. ValueListenable get state => _state; /// The standard output stream. Stream get stdout =>; /// The standard input sink. set stdin(String line) { final stateValue = state.value; if (stateValue != StockfishState.ready) { throw StateError('Stockfish is not ready ($stateValue)'); } _bindings.write(line); } /// Stops the C++ engine. void dispose() { final stateValue = state.value; if (stateValue == StockfishState.ready) { stdin = 'quit'; } } void _cleanUp(int exitCode) { /*_stdoutController.close(); _mainSubscription.cancel(); _stdoutSubscription.cancel(); _state._setValue( exitCode == 0 ? StockfishState.disposed : StockfishState.error); _instance = null;*/ } }