funcs, import

This commit is contained in:
jusax23 2022-10-21 23:57:06 +02:00
parent 16e08bded6
commit 389afbe8e5
17 changed files with 1344 additions and 889 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View file

@ -1,135 +1,139 @@
node_modules/ node_modules/
test.lisp test.lisp
test.mms test.mms
test.mmo test.mmo
# Logs testfun.lisp
logs testfun.mms
*.log testfun.mmo
yarn-debug.log* # Logs
yarn-error.log* logs
lerna-debug.log* *.log
.pnpm-debug.log* npm-debug.log*
# Diagnostic reports ( yarn-error.log*
report.[0-9]*.[0-9]*.[0-9]*.[0-9]*.json lerna-debug.log*
# Runtime data
pids # Diagnostic reports (
*.pid report.[0-9]*.[0-9]*.[0-9]*.[0-9]*.json
*.pid.lock # Runtime data
# Directory for instrumented libs generated by jscoverage/JSCover *.pid
lib-cov *.seed
# Coverage directory used by tools like istanbul
coverage # Directory for instrumented libs generated by jscoverage/JSCover
*.lcov lib-cov
# nyc test coverage # Coverage directory used by tools like istanbul
.nyc_output coverage
# Grunt intermediate storage (
.grunt # nyc test coverage
# Bower dependency directory (
bower_components # Grunt intermediate storage (
# node-waf configuration
.lock-wscript # Bower dependency directory (
# Compiled binary addons (
build/Release # node-waf configuration
# Dependency directories
node_modules/ # Compiled binary addons (
jspm_packages/ build/Release
# Snowpack dependency directory ( # Dependency directories
web_modules/ node_modules/
# TypeScript cache
*.tsbuildinfo # Snowpack dependency directory (
# Optional npm cache directory
.npm # TypeScript cache
# Optional eslint cache
.eslintcache # Optional npm cache directory
# Optional stylelint cache
.stylelintcache # Optional eslint cache
# Microbundle cache
.rpt2_cache/ # Optional stylelint cache
.rts2_cache_cjs/ .stylelintcache
.rts2_cache_umd/ # Microbundle cache
# Optional REPL history .rts2_cache_cjs/
.node_repl_history .rts2_cache_es/
# Output of 'npm pack'
*.tgz # Optional REPL history
# Yarn Integrity file
.yarn-integrity # Output of 'npm pack'
# dotenv environment variable files
.env # Yarn Integrity file
.env.development.local .yarn-integrity
.env.production.local # dotenv environment variable files
.env.local .env
# parcel-bundler cache ( .env.test.local
.cache .env.production.local
.parcel-cache .env.local
# Next.js build output # parcel-bundler cache (
.next .cache
out .parcel-cache
# Nuxt.js build / generate output # Next.js build output
.nuxt .next
dist out
# Gatsby files # Nuxt.js build / generate output
.cache/ .nuxt
# Comment in the public line in if your project uses Gatsby and not Next.js dist
# public # Gatsby files
# vuepress build output # Comment in the public line in if your project uses Gatsby and not Next.js
.vuepress/dist #
# public
# vuepress v2.x temp and cache directory
.temp # vuepress build output
.cache .vuepress/dist
# Docusaurus cache and generated files # vuepress v2.x temp and cache directory
.docusaurus .temp
# Serverless directories
.serverless/ # Docusaurus cache and generated files
# FuseBox cache
.fusebox/ # Serverless directories
# DynamoDB Local files
.dynamodb/ # FuseBox cache
# TernJS port file
.tern-port # DynamoDB Local files
# Stores VSCode versions used for testing VSCode extensions
.vscode-test # TernJS port file
# yarn v2
.yarn/cache # Stores VSCode versions used for testing VSCode extensions
.yarn/unplugged .vscode-test
.yarn/install-state.gz # yarn v2
.pnp.* .pnp.*

View file

@ -1,99 +1,169 @@
import { link } from "fs"; import { error } from "./lexer.js";
import { error } from "./lexer.js";
let count = 0;
let count = 0;
export class context{
export class context{ #list = {
#list = {}; V:[]
#types = { };
u8: { size: 1,type: 0, content: false }, #functions = {
u16: { size: 2,type: 0, content: false },
u32: { size: 4,type: 0, content: false }, };
u64: { size: 8,type: 0, content: false }, #types = {
i8: { size: 1,type: 1, content: false }, v: { size: 1,type: 0, content: false },
i16: { size: 2,type: 1, content: false }, u8: { size: 1,type: 0, content: false },
i32: { size: 4,type: 1, content: false }, u16: { size: 2,type: 0, content: false },
i64: { size: 8,type: 1, content: false }, u32: { size: 4,type: 0, content: false },
f32: { size: 4,type: 2, content: false }, u64: { size: 8,type: 0, content: false },
f64: { size: 8,type: 2, content: false }, i8: { size: 1,type: 1, content: false },
char: {link:"u8"}, i16: { size: 2,type: 1, content: false },
c: {link:"u8"}, i32: { size: 4,type: 1, content: false },
bool: {link:"u8"}, i64: { size: 8,type: 1, content: false },
b: {link:"bool"}, f32: { size: 4,type: 2, content: false },
}; f64: { size: 8,type: 2, content: false },
#upper = []; void: {link: "v"},
constructor(upper = null){ char: {link:"u8"},
this.#upper = upper; c: {link:"u8"},
} bool: {link:"u8"},
nextLevel(){ boolean: {link:"bool"},
return new context(this); b: {link:"bool"},
} uint8_t: { link:"u8" },
add({name,vType,size,amount=1,type = 0, content = 0,config = [1]}){ uint16_t: { link:"u16" },
if (!this.#list[vType]) this.#list[vType] = {}; uint32_t: { link:"u32" },
this.#list[vType][name+""] = {name: vType+(count++),size,amount,type,content,config}; uint64_t: { link:"u64" },
} int8_t: { link:"i8" },
find(name, vType,pos=name.pos,quit=true){ int16_t: { link:"i16" },
let elem = (this.#list[vType]??{})[name+""]??null; int32_t: { link:"i32" },
int64_t: { link:"i64" },
if (!elem && this.#upper){ float: { link:"f32" },
elem = this.#upper.find(name+"",vType,pos,false); double: { link:"f64" },
} };
if(!elem&&quit) error("Can not find '"+name+"' in context!",...pos); #upper = [];
return elem; #lower = [];
} #isLocal = false;
constructor(upper = null,local = false){
getType(name,pos=name.pos, quit = true){ this.#upper = upper;
let lastName = name; this.#isLocal = local;
let type = this.#types[name+""]; }
get local(){
if(!type){ return this.#isLocal;
if(this.#upper) type = this.#upper.getType(name+"", pos, false); }
if (!type) error("Can not find '" + name + "' in context", ...pos); nextLevel(local = true){
return type; let newCon = new context(this,local||this.#isLocal);
}else{ if(!local)this.#lower.push(newCon);
if({ return newCon;
type = this.getType(,pos,false); }
if (!type) error("Can not find '" + name + "' in context", ...pos); add({name,vType,size,amount=1,type = 0, content = 0,config = [1]}){
return type; if (!this.#list[vType]) this.#list[vType] = [];
}else{ let nowid = this.#list[vType].push({varName:name+"",name: vType+(count++),size,amount,type,content,config,pos:()=>{
return type; return this.#list[vType].reduce((v,e,i)=>v+(i<nowid?(e.size*e.amount):0),0);
} },used:false})-1;
} return this.#list[vType][this.#list[vType].length-1];
/*do{ find(name, vType,pos=name.pos,quit=true){
let nowId = (this.#list[vType] ?? []).findIndex((v)=>{
if (type) type = this.#types[] if(v.varName==name+"")return true;
else type = this.#types[name]; });
}while(type&&;*/ //let elem = (this.#list[vType]??{})[name+""]??null;
let elem = (this.#list[vType] ?? [])[nowId]??null;
if (nowId==-1 && this.#upper){
} elem = this.#upper.find(name+"",vType,pos,false);
addLinkType(name,link){ }
this.#types[name] = {link}; if(!elem&&quit) error("Can not find '"+name+"' in Variable context!",...pos);
} elem.used = true;
return elem;
build(){ }
let out = `
LOC Data_Segment getType(name,pos=name.pos, quit = true){
GREG @ let lastName = name;
let type = this.#types[name+""];
for(let vType in this.#list){ if(this.#upper) type = this.#upper.getType(name+"", pos, false);
for(let UName in this.#list[vType]){ if (!type) error("Can not find '" + name + "' in Type context", ...pos);
let { size, amount, type, content, name } = this.#list[vType][UName]; return type;
if (!isNaN(content)) content = Number(content); }else{
if (size <= 8 && amount == 1) { if({
out += `${name} ${(["BYTE", "WYDE", "TETRA", "TETRA", "OCTA", "OCTA", "OCTA", "OCTA"])[size - 1]} ${content}\n`; type = this.getType(,pos,false);
} else { if (!type) error("Can not find '" + name + "' in Type context", ...pos);
out += ` return type;
${name} BYTE ${content} }else{
LOC ${name}+${size * amount + 1}\n`; return type;
} }
} }
} addLinkType(name,link){
out +=" LOC #100\nMain SWYM\n"; this.#types[name] = {link};
return out; }
} size(){
let size = Object.entries(this.#list).reduce((va,tt)=>va+tt[1].reduce((v, e) => v + (e.size * e.amount), 0),0);
return size;
addFunction({ name, code, type = 0,args=[] }){
this.#functions[name+""] = {name:"F"+(count++),code,type,args,used:false};
return this.#functions[name+""];
let elem = this.#functions[name+""] ?? null;
if (!elem && this.#upper) {
elem = this.#upper.findFunction(name);
if (!elem) return false;
elem.used = true;
return elem;
let code = "";
for(let funName in this.#functions){
const fun = this.#functions[funName];
code += `
${} SWYM
for (let i = 0; i < this.#lower.length; i++) {
const e = this.#lower[i];
return code;
if(this.#isLocal) return "";
let out = ` LOC Data_Segment
for(let vType in this.#list){
for(let id = 0;id<this.#list[vType].length;id++){
let { size, amount, type, content, name ,used} = this.#list[vType][id];
if (!isNaN(content)) content = Number(content);
if (size <= 8 && amount == 1) {
out += `${name} ${(["BYTE", "WYDE", "TETRA", "TETRA", "OCTA", "OCTA", "OCTA", "OCTA"])[size - 1]} ${content}\n`;
} else {
out += `
${name} BYTE ${content}
LOC ${name}+${size * amount + 1}\n`;
for (let i = 0; i < this.#lower.length; i++) {
const e = this.#lower[i];;
if(varsonly)return out
out += "intMask OCTA #7fffffffffffffff\n";
out += "HEAPpoint OCTA 0\n";
out += "HEAP BYTE 0\n";
out += " LOC #100\n"
out+= "Main LDA $0,HEAP\n";
out+= " STOU $0,HEAPpoint\n";
return out;
} }

View file

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
import { error } from "./lexer.js" import { error } from "./lexer.js"
export const argsCount = (name,num,pos)=>{ export const argsCount = (name,num,pos)=>{
error(`The native function '${name}' needs at least ${num} Arguments!`, ...pos); error(`The native function '${name}' needs at least ${num} Arguments!`, ...pos);
} }
export const argCount = (name,num,pos)=>{ export const argCount = (name,num,pos)=>{
error(`The native function '${name}' needs ${num} Arguments!`, ...pos); error(`The native function '${name}' needs ${num} Arguments!`, ...pos);
} }

View file

@ -1,65 +1,142 @@
import { context } from "./ctx.js"; import { context } from "./ctx.js";
import { createType, error } from "./lexer.js"; import { createType, error } from "./lexer.js";
import nativefunc from "./nativefunc.js"; import nativefunc from "./nativefunc.js";
import { COMPUTE_TYPES } from "./types.js"; import { COMPUTE_TYPES, convertType } from "./types.js";
let nid = 0; let nid = 0;
export function execute({ data, target = 0, ctx = new context()}){ export function execute({ data, target = 0, ctx = new context()}){
if(target > 255) error("To much registers are required to run this. Support for this case will be build in later!",; if(target > 255) error("To much registers are required to run this. Support for this case will be build in later!",;
let [type, d] = createType(data); let [type, d] = createType(data);
if(type == "code"){ if(type == "code"){
try { let userFunc = ctx.findFunction(data[0]);
let { type, code } = nativefunc[data[0]]({
execute: ({ data, target = 0, ctx:contx = ctx }) => execute({ data, target, ctx:contx }), if(userFunc){
data, let params = data.array.slice(1,userFunc.args.length+1).map((d, i) => execute({ data: d, target,ctx}));
target, if(params.length<userFunc.args.length)error("function '"+data[0]+"' is called with to less Arguments!",[data.length-1].pos);
nid: () => nid++, let ctxSize = ctx.size();
ctx let code = `
}); ${,i)=>{
return {code,type}; let arg = userFunc.args[i];
} catch (e) { return [
console.log(e); p.code,
error(`'${data[0]}' is not a function`,; convertType(p.type,arg.type,target),
} ` LDOU $${target + 1},HEAPpoint`,
}else if (type == "var"){ ` SET $${target + 2},${ctxSize+arg.pos()}`,
let { size, amount, type, name } = ctx.find(d,"V",data.pos); ` ${arg.type == COMPUTE_TYPES.FLOAT?(arg.size > 4 ? "STOU" : "STSF"):("ST"+("BWTTOOOO")[arg.size - 1])+(arg.type == 0 ? "U" : "")} $${target},$${target + 1},$${target + 2}`
if (size <= 8 && amount == 1){ ]
if(type == COMPUTE_TYPES.FLOAT){ }).flat(Infinity).join("\n")}
return {
type: 2, LDOU $${target},HEAPpoint
code: ` ${size > 4 ? "LDOU" :"LDSF"} $${target},${name}` ADDU $${target},$${target},${ctxSize}
} STOU $${target},HEAPpoint
return { GET $${target},rJ
type: type, PUSHJ $${target+1},${}
code: ` LD${(["B", "W", "T", "T", "O", "O", "O", "O"])[size-1]}${type==0?"U":""} $${target},${name}` PUT rJ,$${target}
} LDOU $${target},HEAPpoint
}else{ SUBU $${target},$${target},${ctxSize}
return { STOU $${target},HEAPpoint
type: 0,
code: ` LDA $${target},${name}` SET $${target},$${target+1}
} `;
} return {
}else if (type == "bool"){ type:userFunc.type.type
return { }
code: ` SET $${target},${d}`, }
} let { type, code } = nativefunc[data[0]]({
}else if (type == "num"){ execute: ({ data, target = 0, ctx:contx = ctx }) => execute({ data, target, ctx:contx }),
return { data,
code: ` SET $${target},${d}`, target,
type: COMPUTE_TYPES.UINT nid: () => nid++,
} ctx
}else if (type == "str"){ });
return {code,type};
return { } catch (e) {
code: ` SET $${target},"${d}"`, console.log(e);
type: COMPUTE_TYPES.UINT error(`'${data[0]}' is not a function`,;
} }
} }else if (type == "var"){
throw new Error("nothing found"); let { size, amount, type, name,pos } = ctx.find(d,"V",data.pos);
if (size <= 8 && amount == 1) {
if (type == COMPUTE_TYPES.FLOAT) {
return {
type: 2,
code: ` LDOU $${target},HEAPpoint
SET $${target + 1},${pos()}
${size > 4 ? "LDOU" : "LDSF"} $${target},$${target},$${target+1}`
} else {
return {
type: type,
code: ` LDOU $${target },HEAPpoint
SET $${target + 1},${pos()}
LD${("BWTTOOOO")[size - 1]}${type == 0 ? "U" : ""} $${target},$${target},$${target + 1}`
} else {
return {
type: 0,
code: ` LDOU $${target},HEAPpoint
SET $${target + 1},${pos()}
ADDU $${target},$${target},$${target + 1}`
if (size <= 8 && amount == 1) {
if (type == COMPUTE_TYPES.FLOAT) {
return {
type: 2,
code: ` ${size > 4 ? "LDOU" : "LDSF"} $${target},${name}`
} else {
return {
type: type,
code: ` LD${("BWTTOOOO")[size - 1]}${type == 0 ? "U" : ""} $${target},${name}`
} else {
return {
type: 0,
code: ` LDA $${target},${name}`
}else if (type == "bool"){
return {
code: ` SET $${target},${d}`,
}else if (type == "num"){
let hex = "";
hex = d;
var buf = new ArrayBuffer(8);
(new Float64Array(buf))[0] = d;
let ddd = (new Uint32Array(buf));
hex ="#";
return {
code: ` SET $${target},${hex}`,
}else if (type == "str"){
return {
code: ` SET $${target},"${d}"`,
throw new Error("nothing found");
} }

View file

@ -1,182 +1,182 @@
export class LISPstring extends String { export class LISPstring extends String {
#l; #l;
#c; #c;
constructor(string, line, char) { constructor(string, line, char) {
super(string); super(string);
this.#l = line; this.#l = line;
this.#c = char; this.#c = char;
} }
get lineCount() { get lineCount() {
return this.#l; return this.#l;
} }
get charCount() { get charCount() {
return this.#l; return this.#l;
} }
get pos() { get pos() {
return [this.#l, this.#c]; return [this.#l, this.#c];
} }
} }
export class LISPcmd extends Array { export class LISPcmd extends Array {
#l; #l;
#c; #c;
constructor(code, line, char) { constructor(code, line, char) {
var childs = cutCmd(code, line, char); var childs = cutCmd(code, line, char);
super(...childs); super(...childs);
this.#l = line; this.#l = line;
this.#c = char; this.#c = char;
} }
get lineCount() { get lineCount() {
return this.#l; return this.#l;
} }
get charCount() { get charCount() {
return this.#l; return this.#l;
} }
get pos() { get pos() {
return [this.#l, this.#c]; return [this.#l, this.#c];
} }
get array(){ get array(){
return new Array(...this); return new Array(...this);
} }
} }
export function error(msg, l = null, c = null) { export function error(msg, l = null, c = null) {
var out = "Error" var out = "Error"
if (l != null && c != null) out += ` in line ${l} and character ${c}`; if (l != null && c != null) out += ` in line ${l} and character ${c}`;
out += ": " + msg; out += ": " + msg;
console.log("\x1b[31m", out, "\x1b[0m"); console.log("\x1b[31m", out, "\x1b[0m");
process.exit(1); process.exit(1);
} }
var lispSeperator = [" ", ":", "\n"]; var lispSeperator = [" ", ":", "\n"];
function cutCmd(code, line, chars) { function cutCmd(code, line, chars) {
if (!code.startsWith("(")) return ["", error("Compiler Error", line, chars)]; if (!code.startsWith("(")) return ["", error("Compiler Error", line, chars)];
if (!code.endsWith(")")) return ["", error("Compiler Error", line, chars)]; if (!code.endsWith(")")) return ["", error("Compiler Error", line, chars)];
code = code.substring(1, code.length - 1); code = code.substring(1, code.length - 1);
var countLinesBegin = line; var countLinesBegin = line;
var countCharsBegin = chars; var countCharsBegin = chars;
var countLines = line; var countLines = line;
var countChars = chars; var countChars = chars;
var inC = 0; var inC = 0;
var wasinC = false; var wasinC = false;
var inStr = 0; var inStr = 0;
var buffer = ""; var buffer = "";
var i = 0; var i = 0;
var out = []; var out = [];
function finishBuff() { function finishBuff() {
out.push( out.push(
wasinC ? wasinC ?
new LISPcmd(buffer.trim(), countLinesBegin, countCharsBegin) new LISPcmd(buffer.trim(), countLinesBegin, countCharsBegin)
: :
new LISPstring(buffer.trim(), countLinesBegin, countCharsBegin) new LISPstring(buffer.trim(), countLinesBegin, countCharsBegin)
); );
countLinesBegin = countLines; countLinesBegin = countLines;
countCharsBegin = countChars; countCharsBegin = countChars;
buffer = ""; buffer = "";
wasinC = false; wasinC = false;
} }
for (var i = 0; i < code.length; i++) { for (var i = 0; i < code.length; i++) {
countChars++; countChars++;
//console.log(code,countLines,countChars); //console.log(code,countLines,countChars);
let c = code[i]; let c = code[i];
if (!inC && !inStr) { if (!inC && !inStr) {
countLinesBegin = countLines; countLinesBegin = countLines;
countCharsBegin = countChars; countCharsBegin = countChars;
} }
if (c == "\\") { if (c == "\\") {
buffer += code[++i]; buffer += code[++i];
continue; continue;
} }
if (inStr) { if (inStr) {
if (c == "\n") { if (c == "\n") {
countLines++; countLines++;
countChars = 0; countChars = 0;
} else if (c == '"') { } else if (c == '"') {
buffer += c; buffer += c;
if (!inC) finishBuff(); if (!inC) finishBuff();
inStr = false; inStr = false;
} else { } else {
buffer += c; buffer += c;
} }
continue; continue;
} }
if (c == '"') { if (c == '"') {
inStr = true; inStr = true;
buffer += c; buffer += c;
continue; continue;
} }
if (c == ";" && !inC) { if (c == ";" && !inC) {
while (code[++i] != "\n") { } while (code[++i] != "\n") { }
countLines++; countLines++;
countChars = 0; countChars = 0;
continue; continue;
} }
if (c == "\n") { if (c == "\n") {
countLines++; countLines++;
countChars = 0; countChars = 0;
} }
if (/*(c == " "||c=="\n")*/lispSeperator.includes(c) && !inC) { if (/*(c == " "||c=="\n")*/lispSeperator.includes(c) && !inC) {
if (buffer.trim() != "") { if (buffer.trim() != "") {
finishBuff(); finishBuff();
} }
continue; continue;
} }
if (c == "(") { if (c == "(") {
if (!inC && buffer.trim() != "") { if (!inC && buffer.trim() != "") {
finishBuff(); finishBuff();
} }
inC++; inC++;
wasinC = true; wasinC = true;
} }
if (c == ")") { if (c == ")") {
inC--; inC--;
if (inC < 0) error("Closing braket to much!", countLines, countChars); if (inC < 0) error("Closing braket to much!", countLines, countChars);
if (!inC) { if (!inC) {
buffer += c; buffer += c;
finishBuff(); finishBuff();
continue; continue;
} }
} }
buffer += c; buffer += c;
} }
if (inStr) error("Missing closing quotation mark!", countLines, countChars); if (inStr) error("Missing closing quotation mark!", countLines, countChars);
if (inC) error("Missing closing braket!", countLines, countChars); if (inC) error("Missing closing braket!", countLines, countChars);
if (buffer.trim() != "") finishBuff(); if (buffer.trim() != "") finishBuff();
return out; return out;
} }
export function createType(data) { export function createType(data) {
if (data == "true") { if (data == "true") {
return ["bool", 1]; return ["bool", 1];
} }
if (data == "false") { if (data == "false") {
return ["bool", 0]; return ["bool", 0];
} }
/*if (data == "NaN") { /*if (data == "NaN") {
return ["num", NaN]; return ["num", NaN];
}*/ }*/
if ((data instanceof LISPstring)&&data.startsWith('"') && data.endsWith('"')){ if ((data instanceof LISPstring)&&data.startsWith('"') && data.endsWith('"')){
return ["str", data.slice(1,-1)]; return ["str", data.slice(1,-1)];
} }
if ((data instanceof LISPstring) && !isNaN(data)) { if ((data instanceof LISPstring) && !isNaN(data)) {
return ["num", Number(data)]; return ["num", Number(data)];
} }
if (data instanceof LISPcmd) { if (data instanceof LISPcmd) {
return ["code", data]; return ["code", data];
} }
return ["var", data]; return ["var", data];
} }

View file

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
import bool from "./nativefuncs/bool.js"; import bool from "./nativefuncs/bool.js";
import lanes from "./nativefuncs/lanes.js"; import lanes from "./nativefuncs/lanes.js";
import math from "./nativefuncs/math.js"; import math from "./nativefuncs/math.js";
import sys from "./nativefuncs/sys.js"; import sys from "./nativefuncs/sys.js";
import vars from "./nativefuncs/vars.js"; import vars from "./nativefuncs/vars.js";
export default { export default {
...math, ...math,
...vars, ...vars,
...lanes, ...lanes,
...sys, ...sys,
...bool, ...bool,
}; };

View file

@ -1,116 +1,116 @@
import { argCount } from "../errors.js"; import { argCount } from "../errors.js";
import { COMPUTE_TYPES, convertType, getOutType } from "../types.js"; import { COMPUTE_TYPES, convertType, getOutType } from "../types.js";
export default { export default {
"<": ({ execute, data, target, nid, ctx }) => { "<": ({ execute, data, target, nid, ctx }) => {
if (data.length != 3) argCount("<",2,data.pos); if (data.length != 3) argCount("<",2,data.pos);
let param1 = execute({ data: data[1], target}); let param1 = execute({ data: data[1], target});
let param2 = execute({ data: data[2], target:target+1}); let param2 = execute({ data: data[2], target:target+1});
let outType = getOutType(param1.type,param2.type); let outType = getOutType(param1.type,param2.type);
return { return {
code: `${param1.code} code: `${param1.code}
${convertType(param1.type, outType, target) } ${convertType(param1.type, outType, target) }
${param2.code} ${param2.code}
${convertType(param2.type, outType, target+1)} ${convertType(param2.type, outType, target+1)}
${ (["CMPU", "CMP", "FCMP"])[outType] } $${ target },$${ target },$${ target + 1 } ${ (["CMPU", "CMP", "FCMP"])[outType] } $${ target },$${ target },$${ target + 1 }
ZSN $${target},$${target},1` ZSN $${target},$${target},1`
} }
}, },
"<=": ({ execute, data, target, nid, ctx }) => { "<=": ({ execute, data, target, nid, ctx }) => {
if (data.length != 3) argCount("<=",2,data.pos); if (data.length != 3) argCount("<=",2,data.pos);
let param1 = execute({ data: data[1], target}); let param1 = execute({ data: data[1], target});
let param2 = execute({ data: data[2], target:target+1}); let param2 = execute({ data: data[2], target:target+1});
let outType = getOutType(param1.type,param2.type); let outType = getOutType(param1.type,param2.type);
return { return {
code: `${param1.code} code: `${param1.code}
${convertType(param1.type, outType, target) } ${convertType(param1.type, outType, target) }
${param2.code} ${param2.code}
${convertType(param2.type, outType, target+1)} ${convertType(param2.type, outType, target+1)}
${ (["CMPU", "CMP", "FCMP"])[outType] } $${ target },$${ target },$${ target + 1 } ${ (["CMPU", "CMP", "FCMP"])[outType] } $${ target },$${ target },$${ target + 1 }
ZSNP $${target},$${target},1` ZSNP $${target},$${target},1`
} }
}, },
"=": ({ execute, data, target, nid, ctx }) => { "=": ({ execute, data, target, nid, ctx }) => {
if (data.length != 3) argCount("=",2,data.pos); if (data.length != 3) argCount("=",2,data.pos);
let param1 = execute({ data: data[1], target}); let param1 = execute({ data: data[1], target});
let param2 = execute({ data: data[2], target:target+1}); let param2 = execute({ data: data[2], target:target+1});
let outType = getOutType(param1.type,param2.type); let outType = getOutType(param1.type,param2.type);
return { return {
code: `${param1.code} code: `${param1.code}
${convertType(param1.type, outType, target) } ${convertType(param1.type, outType, target) }
${param2.code} ${param2.code}
${convertType(param2.type, outType, target+1)} ${convertType(param2.type, outType, target+1)}
${ (["CMPU", "CMP", "FCMP"])[outType] } $${ target },$${ target },$${ target + 1 } ${ (["CMPU", "CMP", "FCMP"])[outType] } $${ target },$${ target },$${ target + 1 }
ZSZ $${target},$${target},1` ZSZ $${target},$${target},1`
} }
}, },
">=": ({ execute, data, target, nid, ctx }) => { ">=": ({ execute, data, target, nid, ctx }) => {
if (data.length != 3) argCount(">=",2,data.pos); if (data.length != 3) argCount(">=",2,data.pos);
let param1 = execute({ data: data[1], target}); let param1 = execute({ data: data[1], target});
let param2 = execute({ data: data[2], target:target+1}); let param2 = execute({ data: data[2], target:target+1});
let outType = getOutType(param1.type,param2.type); let outType = getOutType(param1.type,param2.type);
return { return {
code: `${param1.code} code: `${param1.code}
${convertType(param1.type, outType, target) } ${convertType(param1.type, outType, target) }
${param2.code} ${param2.code}
${convertType(param2.type, outType, target+1)} ${convertType(param2.type, outType, target+1)}
${ (["CMPU", "CMP", "FCMP"])[outType] } $${ target },$${ target },$${ target + 1 } ${ (["CMPU", "CMP", "FCMP"])[outType] } $${ target },$${ target },$${ target + 1 }
ZSNN $${target},$${target},1` ZSNN $${target},$${target},1`
} }
}, },
">": ({ execute, data, target, nid, ctx }) => { ">": ({ execute, data, target, nid, ctx }) => {
if (data.length != 3) argCount(">",2,data.pos); if (data.length != 3) argCount(">",2,data.pos);
let param1 = execute({ data: data[1], target}); let param1 = execute({ data: data[1], target});
let param2 = execute({ data: data[2], target:target+1}); let param2 = execute({ data: data[2], target:target+1});
let outType = getOutType(param1.type,param2.type); let outType = getOutType(param1.type,param2.type);
return { return {
code: `${param1.code} code: `${param1.code}
${convertType(param1.type, outType, target) } ${convertType(param1.type, outType, target) }
${param2.code} ${param2.code}
${convertType(param2.type, outType, target+1)} ${convertType(param2.type, outType, target+1)}
${ (["CMPU", "CMP", "FCMP"])[outType] } $${ target },$${ target },$${ target + 1 } ${ (["CMPU", "CMP", "FCMP"])[outType] } $${ target },$${ target },$${ target + 1 }
ZSP $${target},$${target},1` ZSP $${target},$${target},1`
} }
}, },
"!=": ({ execute, data, target, nid, ctx }) => { "!=": ({ execute, data, target, nid, ctx }) => {
if (data.length != 3) argCount("!=",2,data.pos); if (data.length != 3) argCount("!=",2,data.pos);
let param1 = execute({ data: data[1], target}); let param1 = execute({ data: data[1], target});
let param2 = execute({ data: data[2], target:target+1}); let param2 = execute({ data: data[2], target:target+1});
let outType = getOutType(param1.type,param2.type); let outType = getOutType(param1.type,param2.type);
return { return {
code: `${param1.code} code: `${param1.code}
${convertType(param1.type, outType, target) } ${convertType(param1.type, outType, target) }
${param2.code} ${param2.code}
${convertType(param2.type, outType, target+1)} ${convertType(param2.type, outType, target+1)}
${ (["CMPU", "CMP", "FCMP"])[outType] } $${ target },$${ target },$${ target + 1 } ${ (["CMPU", "CMP", "FCMP"])[outType] } $${ target },$${ target },$${ target + 1 }
ZSNZ $${target},$${target},1` ZSNZ $${target},$${target},1`
} }
}, },
"!": ({ execute, data, target, nid, ctx }) => { "!": ({ execute, data, target, nid, ctx }) => {
if (data.length != 2) argCount("!", 1, data.pos); if (data.length != 2) argCount("!", 1, data.pos);
let param = execute({ data: data[1], target }); let param = execute({ data: data[1], target });
return { return {
code: `${param.code} code: `${param.code}
${(["CMPU", "CMP", "FCMP"])[param.type]} $${target},$${target},0 ${(["CMPU", "CMP", "FCMP"])[param.type]} $${target},$${target},0
ZSZ $${target},$${target},1` ZSZ $${target},$${target},1`
} }
}, },
"!!": ({ execute, data, target, nid, ctx }) => { "!!": ({ execute, data, target, nid, ctx }) => {
if (data.length != 2) argCount("!!", 1, data.pos); if (data.length != 2) argCount("!!", 1, data.pos);
let param = execute({ data: data[1], target }); let param = execute({ data: data[1], target });
return { return {
code: `${param.code} code: `${param.code}
${(["CMPU", "CMP", "FCMP"])[param.type]} $${target},$${target},0 ${(["CMPU", "CMP", "FCMP"])[param.type]} $${target},$${target},0
ZSNZ $${target},$${target},1` ZSNZ $${target},$${target},1`
} }
}, },
}; };

View file

@ -1,33 +1,91 @@
import { argsCount } from "../errors.js"; import { argsCount } from "../errors.js";
import { createType, error } from "../lexer.js";
export default {
progn: ({ execute, data, target, nid, ctx }) => { export default {
if (data.length < 2) argsCount("progn", 1, data.pos); progn: ({ execute, data, target, nid, ctx }) => {
let newctx = ctx.nextLevel(); if (data.length < 2) argsCount("progn", 1, data.pos);
return { let newctx = ctx.nextLevel(false);
type: 0, let content = data.array.slice(1).map(d => execute({ data: d, target: target, ctx: newctx }).code).join("\n")
code: `//new code Block return {
${data.array.slice(1).map(d => execute({ data: d, target, ctx: newctx })).join("\n")} type: 0,
//end Code Block` code: `//new code Block
} ${content}
}, //end Code Block`
if: ({ execute, data, target, nid, ctx }) => { }
if (data.length < 3) argsCount("if", 2, data.pos); },
let condition = execute({ data: data[1], target }); defun: ({ execute, data, target, nid, ctx }) => {
let id1 = nid(); if(data.length < 5)argsCount("defun",4,[0].pos);
let id2 = nid(); let newctx = ctx.nextLevel(true);
return { let type = ctx.getType(data[2]);
type: 0, let [argType,argsList] = createType(data[3]);
code: `//if if(argType!="code")error("The third Argument of defun must contain the args!",[3].pos);
${condition.code} let args = [];
BZ $${target},else${id1} if(argsList.length%2!=0)error("The Argument List must cotain an even amount of Names + Types",[3].pos);
${execute({ data: data[2] }).code} for (let i = 0; i < argsList.length; i+=2) {
${data.length > 3 ? "JMP fi" + id2 : ""} let name = argsList[i];
else${id1} SWYM let type = ctx.getType(argsList[i+1]);
${data.length > 3 ? execute({ data: data[2] }).code : ""} args.push(newctx.add({name,vType:"V",size:8,type:type.type}));
fi${id2} SWYM
` }
}, let fun = ctx.addFunction({name:data[1],code:"",type,args:args});
let code = data.array.slice(4).map(l=>{
let {type,code} = execute({data:l,target:0,ctx:newctx});
return code;
fun.code = code;
fun.code += "\n POP 1,0";
return {
type: 0
return:({ execute, data, target, nid, ctx })=>{
if(data.length == 1){
return {
code:` POP 1,0
let {type,code} = execute({ data: data[1], target:0});
return {
POP 1,0
if: ({ execute, data, target, nid, ctx }) => {
if (data.length < 3) argsCount("if", 2, data.pos);
let condition = execute({ data: data[1], target });
let id1 = nid();
let id2 = nid();
if(data.length == 3){
return {
type: 0,
code: `//if
BZ $${target},fi${id1}
${execute({ data: data[2],target }).code}
fi${id1} SWYM`
return {
type: 0,
code: `//if
BZ $${target},else${id1}
${execute({ data: data[2],target }).code}
JMP fi${id2}
else${id1} SWYM
${data.length > 3 ? execute({ data: data[2],target }).code : ""}
fi${id2} SWYM`
}; };

View file

@ -1,81 +1,155 @@
import { argsCount } from "../errors.js"; import { argCount, argsCount } from "../errors.js";
import { convertType, getOutType } from "../types.js" import { error } from "../lexer.js";
import { convertType, getOutType } from "../types.js"
export default {
"+": ({ execute, data, target, nid, ctx }) => { export default {
if (data.length < 3) argsCount("+",2,data.pos); "+": ({ execute, data, target, nid, ctx }) => {
let params = data.array.slice(1).map((d, i) => execute({ data: d, target: target + (i ? 0 : 1) })); if (data.length < 3) argsCount("+",2,data.pos);
let outType = getOutType( => d.type)); let params = data.array.slice(1).map((d, i) => execute({ data: d, target: target + (i==0 ? 0 : 1) }));
return { let outType = getOutType( => d.type));
type: outType, return {
code:, i) => { type: outType,
if (i == 0) return [ code:, i) => {
d.code, if (i == 0) return [
convertType(d.type, outType, target) d.code,
]; convertType(d.type, outType, target)
return [ ];
d.code, return [
convertType(d.type, outType, target + 1), d.code,
` ${(["ADDU", "ADD", "FADD"])[outType]} $${target},$${target},$${target + 1}` convertType(d.type, outType, target + 1),
]; ` ${(["ADDU", "ADD", "FADD"])[outType]} $${target},$${target},$${target + 1}`
}).flat(Infinity).join("\n") ];
} }).flat(Infinity).join("\n")
}, }
"-": ({ execute, data, target, nid, ctx }) => { },
if (data.length < 3) argsCount("-", 2, data.pos); "-": ({ execute, data, target, nid, ctx }) => {
let params = data.array.slice(1).map((d, i) => execute({ data: d, target: target + (i ? 0 : 1) })); if (data.length < 3) argsCount("-", 2, data.pos);
let outType = getOutType( => d.type)); let params = data.array.slice(1).map((d, i) => execute({ data: d, target: target + (i==0 ? 0 : 1) }));
return { let outType = getOutType( => d.type));
type: outType, return {
code:, i) => { type: outType,
if (i == 0) return [ code:, i) => {
d.code, if (i == 0) return [
convertType(d.type, outType, target) d.code,
]; convertType(d.type, outType, target)
return [ ];
d.code, return [
convertType(d.type, outType, target + 1), d.code,
` ${(["SUBU", "SUB", "FSUB"])[outType]} $${target},$${target},$${target + 1}` convertType(d.type, outType, target + 1),
]; ` ${(["SUBU", "SUB", "FSUB"])[outType]} $${target},$${target},$${target + 1}`
}).flat(Infinity).join("\n") ];
} }).flat(Infinity).join("\n")
}, }
"*": ({ execute, data, target, nid, ctx }) => { },
if (data.length < 3) argsCount("*", 2, data.pos); "*": ({ execute, data, target, nid, ctx }) => {
let params = data.array.slice(1).map((d, i) => execute({ data: d, target: target + (i ? 0 : 1) })); if (data.length < 3) argsCount("*", 2, data.pos);
let outType = getOutType( => d.type)); let params = data.array.slice(1).map((d, i) => execute({ data: d, target: target + (i==0 ? 0 : 1) }));
return { let outType = getOutType( => d.type));
type: outType, return {
code:, i) => { type: outType,
if (i == 0) return [ code:, i) => {
d.code, if (i == 0) return [
convertType(d.type, outType, target) d.code,
]; convertType(d.type, outType, target)
return [ ];
d.code, return [
convertType(d.type, outType, target + 1), d.code,
` ${(["MULU", "MUL", "FMUL"])[outType]} $${target},$${target},$${target + 1}` convertType(d.type, outType, target + 1),
]; ` ${(["MULU", "MUL", "FMUL"])[outType]} $${target},$${target},$${target + 1}`
}).flat(Infinity).join("\n") ];
} }).flat(Infinity).join("\n")
}, }
"/": ({ execute, data, target, nid, ctx }) => { },
if (data.length < 3) argsCount("/", 2, data.pos); "/": ({ execute, data, target, nid, ctx }) => {
let params = data.array.slice(1).map((d, i) => execute({ data: d, target: target + (i ? 0 : 1) })); if (data.length < 3) argsCount("/", 2, data.pos);
let outType = getOutType( => d.type)); let params = data.array.slice(1).map((d, i) => execute({ data: d, target: target + (i==0 ? 0 : 1) }));
return { let outType = getOutType( => d.type));
type: outType, return {
code:, i) => { type: outType,
if (i == 0) return [ code:, i) => {
d.code, if (i == 0) return [
convertType(d.type, outType, target) d.code,
]; convertType(d.type, outType, target)
return [ ];
d.code, return [
convertType(d.type, outType, target + 1), d.code,
` ${(["DIVU", "DIV", "FDIV"])[outType]} $${target},$${target},$${target + 1}` convertType(d.type, outType, target + 1),
]; ` ${(["DIVU", "DIV", "FDIV"])[outType]} $${target},$${target},$${target + 1}`
}).flat(Infinity).join("\n") ];
} }).flat(Infinity).join("\n")
}, }
"round": ({ execute, data, target, nid, ctx }) => {
if (data.length < 2) argCount("round", 1, data.pos);
let param = execute({ data: data[1], target: target });
return {
type: 1,
code: `${param.code}
FINT $${target}$${target}`
"sqrt": ({ execute, data, target, nid, ctx }) => {
if (data.length < 2) argCount("sqrt", 1, data.pos);
let param = execute({ data: data[1], target: target });
return {
type: 1,
code: `${param.code}
FSQRT $${target}$${target}`
"uint": ({ execute, data, target, nid, ctx }) => {
if (data.length < 2) argCount("int", 1, data.pos);
let param = execute({ data: data[1], target: target });
return {
type: 1,
code: `${param.code}
"int": ({ execute, data, target, nid, ctx }) => {
if (data.length < 2) argCount("uint", 1, data.pos);
let param = execute({ data: data[1], target: target });
return {
type: 1,
code: `${param.code}
"float": ({ execute, data, target, nid, ctx }) => {
if (data.length < 2) argCount("float", 1, data.pos);
let param = execute({ data: data[1], target: target });
return {
type: 1,
code: `${param.code}
"mod": ({ execute, data, target, nid, ctx }) => {
if (data.length < 3) argCount("mod", 2, data.pos);
let param1 = execute({ data: data[1], target });
let param2 = execute({ data: data[2], target: target+1 });
let outType = getOutType(param1.type,param2.type);
let code = `${param1.code}
if(outType == 0){
code+=` DIVU $${target},$${target},$${target+1}
GET $${target},rR`;
}else if(outType == 1){
code+=` DIV $${target},${target},$${target+1}
GET $${target},rR`;
}else if(outType == 2){
code+=` FREM $${target},$${target},$${target+1}`;
error("Unexpected Type: "+outType,[1].pos);
} }

View file

@ -1,40 +1,47 @@
export default {
assm: ({ execute, data, target, nid, ctx }) => {
export default { let cmds = data.array.slice(1, -1);
assm: ({ execute, data, target, nid, ctx }) => { let type = data.array.slice(-1)[0];
let cmds = data.array.slice(1, -1); return {
let type = data.array.slice(-1)[0]; code: "\n" + => {
return { let out = d.slice(1, -1);
code: "\n" + => { ([["?7", 7], ["?6", 6], ["?5", 5], ["?4", 4], ["?3", 3], ["?2", 2], ["?1", 1], ["?0", 0]]).map(a => {
let out = d.slice(1, -1); out = out.split(a[0]).join("$" + (target + a[1]));
([["?7", 7], ["?6", 6], ["?5", 5], ["?4", 4], ["?3", 3], ["?2", 2], ["?1", 1], ["?0", 0]]).map(a => { });
out = out.split(a[0]).join("$" + (target + a[1])); return out;
}); }).join("\n") + "\n",
return out; type
}).join("\n") + "\n", };
type },
}; printRaw: ({ execute, data, target, nid, ctx }) => {
}, let { code, type } = execute({ data: data[1], target: target });
printRaw: ({ execute, data, target, nid, ctx }) => { return {
let { code, type } = execute({ data: data[1], target: target }); code: `${code}
return { SET $255,$${target}
code: `${code} TRAP 0,Fputs,StdOut`,
SET $255,$${target} type
TRAP 0,Fputs,StdOut`, };
type },
}; addr: ({ execute, data, target, nid, ctx }) => {
}, let nv = ctx.find(data[1], "V");
addr: ({ execute, data, target, nid, ctx }) => { if(ctx.local){
let nv = ctx.find(data[1], "V"); return {
return { code: ` LDOU $${target},HEAPpoint
code: ` LDA $${target},${}`, SET $${target + 1},${nv.pos()}
type: 0 ADDU $${target},$${target},$${target + 1 }`,
}; type: 0
}, };
exit: () => {
return { }
code: " TRAP 0,Halt,0", return {
type: 0 code: ` LDA $${target},${}`,
} type: 0
}, };
exit: () => {
return {
code: " TRAP 0,Halt,0",
type: 0
}; };

View file

@ -1,56 +1,113 @@
import { createType, error, LISPcmd } from "../lexer.js"; import { createType, error, LISPcmd } from "../lexer.js";
import { COMPUTE_TYPES, convertType } from "../types.js"; import { COMPUTE_TYPES, convertType } from "../types.js";
export default { const vars = {
defvar: ({ execute, data, target, nid, ctx }) => { defvar: ({ execute, data, target, nid, ctx }) => {
let param = data[3]; let param = data[3];
let [type, d] = createType(param); let [type, d] = createType(param);
let varType = ctx.getType(data[2]); let varType = ctx.getType(data[2]);
if (varType.content) error("A variable only can be created with a primitive Type.",[2].pos); if (varType.content) error("A variable only can be created with a primitive Type.",[2].pos);
if (type == "var" || type == "code") { if (type == "var" || type == "code" || ctx.local) {
error("devfar with input is not implemented yet.", ...param.pos) ctx.add({ name: data[1], vType: "V", size: varType.size, amount: 1, type: varType.type, content: 0 });
} else { let{code,type} = vars.set({execute,data:["set", data[1], data[3]],target,nid,ctx});
ctx.add({ name: data[1], vType: "V", size: varType.size, amount: 1, type: varType.type, content: param }); return {
return { code: code,
code: "", type: type
type: 0 }
} } else {
} let content = "0";
}, if(type == "num"){
set: ({ execute, data, target, nid, ctx }) => { if(Number.isInteger(d)){
let toSet = ctx.find(data[1],"V"); content = d;
let { code, type } = execute({ data: data[2], target }); }else{
if(toSet.type == COMPUTE_TYPES.FLOAT){ var buf = new ArrayBuffer(8);
return { (new Float64Array(buf))[0] = d;
code: `${code} let ddd = (new Uint32Array(buf));
${convertType(type, toSet.type, target)} content ="#";
${toSet.size > 4 ? "STOU" : "STSF"} $${target},${}`, content+=ddd[1].toString(16);
type: toSet.type content+=ddd[0].toString(16);
}; }
}else{ content=param;
return { }
code: `${code} ctx.add({ name: data[1], vType: "V", size: varType.size, amount: 1, type: varType.type, content });
${convertType(type, toSet.type, target)}
ST${(["B", "W", "T", "T", "O", "O", "O", "O"])[toSet.size - 1]}${type == 0 ? "U" : ""} $${target},${}`,
type: toSet.type return {
}; code: "",
} type: 0
}, }
defarr: ({ execute, data, target, nid, ctx }) => { },
let param = data.array.slice(3, -1).map(d => Number(d)); set: ({ execute, data, target, nid, ctx }) => {
let toSet = ctx.find(data[1],"V");
let varType = ctx.getType(data[2]); let { code, type } = execute({ data: data[2], target });
let amount = param.reduce((v, c) => v * c, 1); if(ctx.local){
if (toSet.type == COMPUTE_TYPES.FLOAT) {
ctx.add({ name: data[1], vType:"V", size: varType.size, amount: amount, type: varType.type, config: param, content: data.array.slice(-1)[0] }); return {
code: `${code}
return { ${convertType(type, toSet.type, target)}
code: "", LDOU $${target + 1},HEAPpoint
type: 0 SET $${target + 2},${toSet.pos()}
}; ${toSet.size > 4 ? "STOU" : "STSF"} $${target},$${target+1},$${target + 2}`,
}, type: toSet.type
} };
} else {
return {
code: `${code}
${convertType(type, toSet.type, target)}
LDOU $${target + 1},HEAPpoint
SET $${target + 2},${toSet.pos()}
ST${("BWTTOOOO")[toSet.size - 1]}${toSet.type == 0 ? "U" : ""} $${target},$${target + 1},$${target + 2}`,
type: toSet.type
if (toSet.type == COMPUTE_TYPES.FLOAT) {
return {
code: `${code}
${convertType(type, toSet.type, target)}
${toSet.size > 4 ? "STOU" : "STSF"} $${target},${}`,
type: toSet.type
} else {
return {
code: `${code}
${convertType(type, toSet.type, target)}
ST${("BWTTOOOO")[toSet.size - 1]}${toSet.type == 0 ? "U" : ""} $${target},${}`,
type: toSet.type
defarr: ({ execute, data, target, nid, ctx }) => {
let param = data.array.slice(3, -1).map(d => Number(d));
let varType = ctx.getType(data[2]);
let amount = param.reduce((v, c) => v * c, 1);
ctx.add({ name: data[1], vType:"V", size: varType.size, amount: amount, type: varType.type, config: param, content: data.array.slice(-1)[0] });
return {
code: "",
type: 0
readarr: ({ execute, data, target, nid, ctx })=>{
let arr = ctx.find(data[1],"V");
if (arr.config.length > data.length - 2) error(data[1] + " is a " + arr.config.length +"dim Array. You have to provide at least this much Arguments beside the Array name!",[1].pos);
let params = data.array.slice(2).map((d, i) => execute({ data: d, target: target }));
export default vars;

js/preprocessor.js Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
import * as path from "path";
function join(p1,p2){
if(p2.startsWith("/"))return p2;
return path.join(p1,"..",p2);
function unComment(str){
let out = "";
let inK = false;
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
if(str[i] == "\\"){
}else if(str[i] == "\""){
inK = !inK;
out += str[i];
}else if(str[i] == ";" || str[i] == " "){
if(inK)out += str[i];
else break;
out += str[i];
return out.trim();
export default (str,filename,readFile)=>str.split("\n").map(d=>d.trim()).map((l,i)=>{
if(!l.startsWith("#"))return l;
let toImport = unComment(l.substring(8).trim());
if(toImport.startsWith("\"") && toImport.startsWith("\"")){
return readFile(join(filename,toImport.slice(1,-1)),i);
return readFile("lisp/"+toImport+".lisp",i);

View file

@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
import { error } from "./lexer.js"; import { error } from "./lexer.js";
export const COMPUTE_TYPES = { export const COMPUTE_TYPES = {
UINT: 0, UINT: 0,
INT: 1, INT: 1,
} }
export const getOutType = (...types)=>Math.max(...types); export const getOutType = (...types)=>Math.max(...types);
export const convertType = (typein,typeout,reg) => { export const convertType = (typein,typeout,reg) => {
if(typein == typeout) return "//no type conversion nessesary"; if(typein == typeout) return "//no type conversion nessesary";
if(typein == COMPUTE_TYPES.UINT && typeout == COMPUTE_TYPES.INT){ if(typein == COMPUTE_TYPES.UINT && typeout == COMPUTE_TYPES.INT){
return "//no type conversion nessesary (u -> i)"; return "//no type conversion nessesary (u -> i)";
} }
if(typein == COMPUTE_TYPES.INT && typeout == COMPUTE_TYPES.UINT){ if(typein == COMPUTE_TYPES.INT && typeout == COMPUTE_TYPES.UINT){
return `SET $${reg + 1},#7fffffffffffffff return ` LDOU $${reg + 1},intMask
AND $${reg},$${reg},$${reg + 1} convert i -> u`; AND $${reg},$${reg},$${reg + 1} //convert i -> u`;
} }
if(typein == COMPUTE_TYPES.INT && typeout == COMPUTE_TYPES.FLOAT){ if(typein == COMPUTE_TYPES.INT && typeout == COMPUTE_TYPES.FLOAT){
return ` FLOT $${reg},$${reg} convert i -> f`; return ` FLOT $${reg},$${reg} //convert i -> f`;
} }
if(typein == COMPUTE_TYPES.UINT && typeout == COMPUTE_TYPES.FLOAT){ if(typein == COMPUTE_TYPES.UINT && typeout == COMPUTE_TYPES.FLOAT){
return `SET $${reg + 1},#7fffffffffffffff return ` LDOU $${reg + 1},intMask
AND $${reg},$${reg},$${reg + 1} AND $${reg},$${reg},$${reg + 1}
FLOT $${reg},$${reg} convert i -> f`; FLOT $${reg},$${reg} //convert u -> f`;
} }
if(typein == COMPUTE_TYPES.FLOAT && typeout == COMPUTE_TYPES.INT){ if(typein == COMPUTE_TYPES.FLOAT && typeout == COMPUTE_TYPES.INT){
return ` FIX $${reg},$${reg} convert f -> i`; return ` FIX $${reg},$${reg} //convert f -> i`;
} }
if(typein == COMPUTE_TYPES.FLOAT && typeout == COMPUTE_TYPES.UINT){ if(typein == COMPUTE_TYPES.FLOAT && typeout == COMPUTE_TYPES.UINT){
return ` FLOT $${reg},$${reg} convert i -> f return ` FIX $${reg},$${reg} //convert f -> u
SET $${reg + 1},#7fffffffffffffff LDOU $${reg + 1},intMask
AND $${reg},$${reg},$${reg+1}`; AND $${reg},$${reg},$${reg+1}`;
} }
error("[System error] Could not find a possible Type conversion.") error("[System error] Could not find a possible Type conversion. ("+typein+", "+typeout+")");
} }

lisp/math.lisp Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
(defvar pi:f64 3.14159265358979323846)
(defvar e:f64 2.71828182845904523536)

View file

@ -1,27 +1,36 @@
import * as fs from "fs"; import * as fs from "fs";
import { context } from "./js/ctx.js"; import { context } from "./js/ctx.js";
import { execute } from "./js/execute.js"; import { execute } from "./js/execute.js";
import { LISPcmd, LISPstring, createType } from "./js/lexer.js"; import { LISPcmd, LISPstring, createType, error } from "./js/lexer.js";
var path = process.argv[2]; import preprocessor from "./js/preprocessor.js";
var pathout = process.argv[3]; var path = process.argv[2];
if (!path || !pathout) { var pathout = process.argv[3];
console.log("PLease this Schema: node ToAs.js [path] [pathout]"); if (!path || !pathout) {
process.exit(); console.log("PLease this Schema: node ToAs.js [path] [pathout]");
} process.exit();
var file = fs.readFileSync(path).toString(); }
var file = fs.readFileSync(path).toString();
var data = new LISPcmd("(\n" + file + "\n)", 0, 0);
let strcode = preprocessor(file,path,(path,line)=>{
let code = ""; return fs.readFileSync(path).toString();
var ctx = new context(); }catch(_){
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { error("Can not import file: "+path+" -> "+_, line, 0);
let { code: c, type } = execute({ data: data[i], ctx }); }
if(c=="")continue; });
code += c+"\n"; var data = new LISPcmd("(\n" + strcode + "\n)", 0, 0);
let result =; let code = "";
result+=code; var ctx = new context();
fs.writeFileSync(pathout, result); for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
console.log(`Finished compiling in ${Math.round( / 1000}sec. Assembly saved to: ${pathout}`); let { code: c, type } = execute({ data: data[i], ctx });
code += c+"\n";
let result =;
fs.writeFileSync(pathout, result);
console.log(`Finished compiling in ${Math.round( / 1000}sec. Assembly saved to: ${pathout}`);

package-lock.json generated
View file

@ -9,13 +9,44 @@
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@ -23,6 +54,33 @@
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View file

@ -3,10 +3,10 @@
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"description": "", "description": "",
"main": "main.js", "main": "main.js",
"type":"module", "type": "module",
"scripts": { "scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1", "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1",
"run": "node . test.lisp test.mms && mmixal test.mms && mmix test.mmo" "run": "node . testfun.lisp testfun.mms && mmixal testfun.mms && mmix testfun.mmo"
}, },
"repository": { "repository": {
"type": "git", "type": "git",
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
"author": "jusax23", "author": "jusax23",
"license": "UNLICENSED", "license": "UNLICENSED",
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"path": "^0.12.7"
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