import { argsCount } from "../errors.js"; import { createType, error } from "../lexer.js"; export default { progn: ({ execute, data, target, nid, ctx }) => { if (data.length < 2) argsCount("progn", 1, data.pos); let newctx = ctx.nextLevel(false); let content = data.array.slice(1).map(d => execute({ data: d, target: target, ctx: newctx }).code).join("\n") return { type: 0, code: `//new code Block ${content} //end Code Block` } }, defun: ({ execute, data, target, nid, ctx }) => { if(data.length < 5)argsCount("defun",4,[0].pos); let newctx = ctx.nextLevel(true); let type = ctx.getType(data[2]); let [argType,argsList] = createType(data[3]); if(argType!="code")error("The third Argument of defun must contain the args!",[3].pos); let args = []; if(argsList.length%2!=0)error("The Argument List must cotain an even amount of Names + Types",[3].pos); for (let i = 0; i < argsList.length; i+=2) { let name = argsList[i]; let type = ctx.getType(argsList[i+1]); args.push(newctx.add({name,vType:"V",size:8,type:type.type})); } let fun = ctx.addFunction({name:data[1],code:"",type,args:args}); let code = data.array.slice(4).map(l=>{ let {type,code} = execute({data:l,target:0,ctx:newctx}); return code; }).join("\n"); fun.code = code; fun.code += "\n POP 1,0"; return { code:"", type: 0 }; }, return:({ execute, data, target, nid, ctx })=>{ if(data.length == 1){ return { type:0, code:` POP 1,0 ` } } let {type,code} = execute({ data: data[1], target:0}); return { type:0, code:` ${code} POP 1,0 ` } }, if: ({ execute, data, target, nid, ctx }) => { if (data.length < 3) argsCount("if", 2, data.pos); let condition = execute({ data: data[1], target }); let id1 = nid(); let id2 = nid(); if(data.length == 3){ return { type: 0, code: `//if ${condition.code} BZ $${target},fi${id1} ${execute({ data: data[2],target }).code} fi${id1} SWYM` } } return { type: 0, code: `//if ${condition.code} BZ $${target},else${id1} ${execute({ data: data[2],target }).code} JMP fi${id2} else${id1} SWYM ${data.length > 3 ? execute({ data: data[2],target }).code : ""} fi${id2} SWYM` } }, };