Jakob Meier 8fffafde47
Added translations using l10n
Translations are provided in *.arb* format.
Some keys have descriptions
(indicated by leading @-symbol).
Descriptions should not be copied into the translation itself.

Currently only English is supported (app_en.arb),
but German is planned.

Apparently weblate merged .arb support at some time,
so it would be nice to enable community translations at some point.
2023-03-29 15:14:27 +02:00

591 B

Official Outbag App

Source code of the official outbag app, written in flutter.


This app uses l10n according to the official flutter internationalization guide.

  1. Check if there is a .arb file available for your language, and add missing translations in there, if the file exists
  2. Otherwise copy the app_en.arb file and paste it as arb_<your-language>.arb
  3. Edit the translations in the file
  4. Run flutter gen-l10n to generate the required .dart files